Antony Denyer

Tilling the land of software
  • Working with AWS Lambda

    Here is a collection of tips for using AWS lambdas. These tips are based on our experiences of using lambdas to ingest a legacy database into a new elasticsearch cluster. [Read More]
  • Thoughts on feature branches

    There seems to be two main schools of thought with regards to feature branches. Some argue that feature branches are an abomination and should not be considered as ‘continuous’ integration let alone delivery. Whilst others suggest that feature branches are a way of allowing each developer to work without disturbing... [Read More]
  • angularjs performance tweaks

    Performance tips for angularjs Two way data binding using AngularJS is pretty sweet, but it comes at a cost. When dealing with complex data structures or large lists things can get very slow very quickly. Here are some simple things you can check to give your site the performance boost... [Read More]
  • Continuous Delivery - Chaos Build/Release Monkey

    I think some people are missing the benefits of continuous deployment and are focusing on infrastructure and tools rather than process. The initial incarnation of this chain of thought was continuous integration, where by whenever you check in your code it’s built by a central server. Ensuring that your code... [Read More]
  • angularjs decorator to support ie8 catch

    When using the angularjs $q library with ES3 browsers (IE8 etc) you get an ‘Expected identifier’ error when you try and use the catch method on angularjs $q library. This is because catch is a reserved word in ES3 and reserved words are not supported as property names in ES3.... [Read More]