Antony Denyer

Tilling the land of software
  • Developer environments and production parity

    When I first started writing software, a common practice was to use an emulator or a lightweight version of something for your development environment. The most common of these were in-memory databases, things like SQLite and H2. They are lightweight, easy to use and easy to segregate. You didn’t need... [Read More]
  • Mongo $or queries are slow

    Mongo doesn’t appear to perform particularly well when querying large-ish collections with $or queries. For some reason, it can’t figure out which index to use and often ends up doing a COLLSCAN. Say you have the following document structure representing user transactions: [Read More]
  • Tight Coupling x Complexity

    When building systems you will quite often have to make the tradeoff between having a system that is loosly coupled or one that is simple. When we think of tight coupling we tend to think of it as a bad thing. But that is not always the case, you need... [Read More]