Antony Denyer

Tilling the land of software
  • HOWTO: Deploy mono web applications with capistrano-mono-deploy

    I’ve recently been working on a capistrano gem to help with mono deployments. I’ve had a bit of experience trying to get capistrano to work with non-rails environments, basically it can be a bit of pain if you’re not sure what you’re doing. Also most of the beginners tutorials are... [Read More]
  • ServiceStack the way I like it

    Over the last month we’ve started using ServiceStack for a couple of our api endpoints. Here’s a breakdown of how I configured ServiceStack to work the way I like it. Hopefully you’ll find this useful. ##Overriding the defaults Some of the defaults for ServiceStack are in my opinion not well... [Read More]
  • Run All sql files in a directory

    Create a a batch file and change the params accordingly to run all sql files in a directory agaisnt your db
  • Stub responses with Nest.ElasticClient

    We’ve started using ElasticSearch at work for some of our projects. When we started out doing simple web requests was easy enough but as the complexity of what we where doing grew it became obvious that we where starting to write our own DSL for elastic search. Surely someone else... [Read More]