Antony Denyer

Tilling the land of software
  • Besu Privacy model explained

    In hyperledger besu, members of a network can communicate privately using private ethereum transactions. The way it works is relatively simple. First, a standard ethereum transaction occurs publicly with an input field containing an enclave key. Then, that enclave key is used to fetch the private transaction. A private transaction... [Read More]
  • GoQuorum Privacy model explained

    In GoQuorum, members of a network can communicate privately using smart contracts. The way it works is relatively simple. First, a standard ethereum transaction occurs in public with the input field containing an enclave key. Then, that enclave key is used to fetch the private contract from your private enclave.... [Read More]
  • Running a besu network with test containers

    Testcontainers is a great project that helps you orchestrate throwaway docker container instances. I wanted to integrate test some smart contracts that I’d been working on with a real ethereum network rather than with ganache. [Read More]
  • Be warned when using GCP Pub Sub SDK Libraries.

    GCP PubSub is an off the shelf hosted message queue system. It offers some reasonably standard features. Conceptually GCP supports topics and subscriptions. You post a message onto a topic, and they fan out to subscriptions. Each subscription can have one or many consumers, with messages being load balanced between... [Read More]
  • Divide and conquer problems not people.

    divide et impera “To gain or maintain power by generating tension among others, especially those less powerful, so that they cannot unite in opposition.” [Read More]