Antony Denyer

Tilling the land of software
  • Cache Fluffer / Gorilla Caching / Cache Warmer

    The relatively simple introduction of a cache fluffer can make a huge difference to performance, particularly at peak load. The idea is simple, keep the cache up to do date so you don’t have to go and get data when the user requests the site. [Read More]
  • Samsung Chromebox with XBMC

    At google IO 2012 every delegate got a free Samsung Chromebox. Personally I already have a laptop, desktop, tablet and smart phone. Why would I need a cut down desktop? It would probably be great for your Nan who has no idea what they’re doing and just wants to email... [Read More]
  • Language Obsessed

    Recently on the GOOS group discussion board there was a good debate about Acceptance Testing. Whilst much of the advice was good it amazed me how many people hadn’t looked outside of their own language community for inspiration. For instance, in the dot net world automated acceptance testing frameworks for... [Read More]
  • Feature Tests using Cucumber.js and zombie.js

    I wanted to start looking at alternatives to our current set of cucumber feature tests. At the moment on the web team we’re using using FireWatir and Capybara. So I though I’d take at look at what was available in Node.js. Many people think it’s strange that a .Net shop... [Read More]